Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A good night's sleep

Yesterday morning (before doing laundry) I went to the chiropractor and since I was already out, I figured I would look for a good pillow. Y'all all know about my sleeping problems. So I was thinking that maybe a better pillow would help my neck and shoulder and keep me from waking up in pain after two hours of sleep that was hard to get to start with. Lucky for me JC Penny was having a sale. I got a great pillow for 50% off. Yay! And it really did help me sleep better. In fact, I slept from 1 am to 8 am. That's the longest I've slept at one time in at least two weeks. Of course I had only gotten about 6 hours of sleep in the 48 hours before that, but I still think the pillow helped. It better have. I spent 30 bucks on that thing.


Madeline said...

Yay for sleep!! I know you're excited about that one. Here's hoping the pillow keeps up the good work.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog. Will definitely check out those blogs!

I hope you get some better sleep with the new pillow! Lack of sleep is the worst.

Deanna said...

Not sleeping is the worst! Hope this is a new trend of long nights of sleep for you!

Deanna said...

Hey! I wanted you to know how much I enjoy your blog and I wanted to introduce others to your blog too. I left an award for you on my blog! Hope you will drop by and pick it up.