Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hello, my name is Crystal and I'm a Chocoholic

When Mr. McHacker asked what I wanted for Valentine's Day, of course I said chocolate! But y'all know how cheap I am. So we went to Wal-Mart the day after Valentine's Day when the candy was 50% off! As you can see, I'm all stocked up for a while!


Dr. Wifey said...

i went the day after V day too, but the good candy had been wiped out! ugh!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Crystal. I'm Shelby and I'm a chocoholic too. I can only say that it's a good thing you live so far from me or we'd be sharing your stash! :-)

Madeline said...

Nice! I do love me some chocolate!!!

Deanna said...

Is this the line to sign up for chocoholics anonymous? Although I guess we aren't so anonymous... we are PROUD!! February 15th is way better than the 14th because like you said, everything is half off!!