I've also been making more aprons. I participated in an apron swap and made the apron for it and sent it off Monday.I forgot to take a picture of it before I sent it. But I did take pictures of the other aprons I made with the same fabric. The one for the swap was a full apron, but the other ones I made are just half aprons. Here are the pictures:
Oh, and I learned how to make pleats. They are at the bottom of the second one.
Y'all know how we were going to go see my family last weekend but couldn't? Well, we planned to go this weekend too, but with Gustav out there, we figured we would wait. So we came to see Mr. McHacker's parents for the weekend instead. They don't live quite as far south as my family does. I think I've said it before, but my in-laws are great. I always enjoy spending time with them, we all have a lot of fun together. We'll probably stay busy this weekend, but if I get bored, I'll post some more :-) I've got a few ideas. Which is good, since I've had a bit of a block lately.
I hope everyone in the path of Gustav will be safe. I'm worried about y'all :-( I wish I had room for all of you to come stay with me. Sadly, I don't, but I will be thinking about you and praying for you. Stay safe.
Cute aprons! I can't even sew a button. If you keep sewing like that you should open an Etsy shop.
I hope you have fun with your in-laws. It is great that you have a good relationship with them. Not everyone is so lucky.
i will be watching the weather channel all weekend. it's like an addiction. so glad i don't live in the fl keys anymore! cute aprons!
Nice aprons! You're really getting into sewing. I haven't sewn much since the kiddo came along. I'm going to start back soon. My mom and I plan on doing a handmade gift sale at our house in a couple of months. We did it last year, and it went well. So, I need to get to work on stuff to sell.
Have fun with the in-laws!
Wow! You are very talented. The last time I tried to make anything it was in high school. Let's just say I did the best I could. My mom is talented like that. Great Blog.
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